Surviving the Storm: Stay True to Your Story

Surviving the Storm: Stay True to Your Story

Surviving the Storm: Stay True to Your Story

We’re seeing many leaders wrestling with big, uncomfortable questions as government priorities shift, budgets tighten, and programs are put under the microscope. For mission-driven organizations facing turbulent times, it can be disorienting: “How can we stay afloat? How can we continue making a difference if funding or support is pulled?”

The answer: Never lose sight of who you are. Retain a clear, unwavering sense of identity and stay deeply connected to your story and brand. When you hold onto the essence that people trust, they will continue to support and rally around you. A strong brand identity that is rooted in authentic stories can be the lifeline that pulls you through any storm. Here’s how doubling down on your organization’s story can create a strong foundation that keeps you steady and credible.

Staying True to Your Story and Values

In times of crisis, it’s tempting to dilute your message or shift your mission to align with new stakeholders. But when you stray from your core values, you risk becoming unrecognizable, losing the trust that has been so hard-earned. The Harvard Business Review shows that 79% of donors stay loyal to organizations that “stand firm” on their values in difficult times. When organizations waver, staff morale falters, supporters feel disconnected, and a once-clear purpose becomes a distant memory. A solid, cohesive brand identity allows you to remain grounded, aligned, and credible in the eyes of everyone who supports you.

Here are six (6) ways you can strengthen and amplify your brand identity in turbulent times:

1. Revisit and Clarify Your Mission

During challenging times, gather your team, reflect on your mission, and make sure every program and initiative aligns. Reaffirming your mission can inspire clarity and solidarity, helping your team feel connected and determined.

2. Deepen Your Brand Story

When you tell stories that illustrate your impact, you remind everyone, including funders, community members, and staff, why your work matters. Use video, blog posts, or social media to share real, powerful stories that capture the change you’re making. This storytelling isn’t just for marketing; it’s a reaffirmation of purpose, a way to showcase the difference you’re making in real lives.

3. Strengthen Connections with Supporters on a Personal Level

When public funding is at risk, building deeper connections with individual donors and supporters becomes essential. According to the Stanford Social Innovation Review, organizations that keep supporters informed and involved during crises see a 20% increase in donations and engagement. Stay in touch through personal, meaningful communications, like email newsletters, webinars, or social media, to foster a sense of community and shared mission.

4. Prepare a Crisis Communication Plan

Having a clear communication strategy that centers on your core story can help you face potential cuts or disruptions without scrambling. A crisis plan should outline key messages that align with your mission, talking points for various stakeholders, and specific ways people can support you. Preparedness will reinforce your commitment to your values and help you communicate with confidence and clarity.

5. Empower Your Team to Live Your Brand Story

When your team feels genuinely connected to your mission, they become powerful ambassadors for your brand. Foster a culture where everyone, from interns to executives, understands and embodies your organization’s story and values. Provide regular updates, share successes, and encourage team members to talk about the organization’s impact, so they carry the torch with confidence.

6. Double Down on Your Brand

Your organization’s strength lies in the unique spirit, vision, and stories that brought you here and drive you forward. As the landscape shifts, stay grounded in your purpose, let your brand guide you, and, above all, lean into your story.

If you’re looking for a partner to help develop this foundation, Buoyant is here to support you.

Harvard Business Review (2023). “Building Trust in Times of Crisis.”; Stanford Social Innovation Review (2022). “The Power of Donor Communication in Crisis.”

Eric Rigaud
Surviving the Storm: Stay True to Your Story

Eric Rigaud

article Author

Founder & CEO

Author's role

November 12, 2024

Article Published

Eric Rigaud


Eric Rigaud is an award-winning cultural media producer and entrepreneur working at the intersection of storytelling, virtual technologies, and equitable community-building. Eric's work harnesses multicultural voices in innovative ways to inspire audiences and engage stakeholders.

Eric Rigaud